I dont know what to say, really... 3 minutes... to the biggest battle of our professional lives... all comes down to today... Either, we heal, as a team, or we're gonna crumble... inch by inch, play by play... to we're finished, we're in hell right now, gentlemen...
Believe me... and... we can stay here, get the shit kicked out of us...or... we can fight our way back... into the light... we can climb outta hell... one inch at a time... now, i cant do it for you... im too old... i look around, i see this young faces,and i think... i mean, i've made every wrong choice a middle-aged man can make... I... eh... I pissed away all my money, believe it or not...
I chased off anyone's who's ever loved me... and lately, I cant even stand the face I see in the mirror... you know, when you get old in life, things get taken from you... well thats.... thats part of life... but, you only learn that, when you start losing stuff... you find out, life's a game of inches...
So is football... because, in either game, life or fottball, the margin for error is so small, i mean, one half a step too late, or too early, and you dont quite make it, one half second too slow, too fast, you dont quite catch it, the inches we need are everywhere around us...
They're in every break of the game, every minute, every second.... on this team, we fight for that inch... on this team, we tear ourselves and everyone else around us, to pieces for that inch... we claw with our fingernails for that inch... because we know, when we head up all those inches, thats gonna make the fucking difference, between winning and losing! Between living and dying!!
I'll tell you this: in any fight, its the guy who's willing to die, who's gonna win that inch... and I know, if im gonna have any life anymore... Its because I'm still willing to fight and die for that inch... because, thats what living is! The six inches in front of your face...!!
Now, i cant make you do it, you gotta look at the guy next to you, look into his eyes!now, i think you're gonna see a guy, who will go that inch with you... You're gonna see a guy, who will sacrifice himself, for this team, because he knows, when it comes down to it, you're gonna do the same for him...
Thats a team, gentlemen...and, either we heal, NOW, as a team, or we will die... as individuals... thats football, guys...thats all it is...now, what are you gonna do? Tiba-tiba nemu file MP3 pidatonya Al Pacino diatas, diambil dari film any given sunday dimana al pacino berperan menjadi pelatih tim futbol, pidato ini bener-bener keren buat saya dan teman saya. Filmnya juga keren banget! Pernah saat saya terpisah dengan teman karib saya dimana dia kuliah di unsoed sedang saya mengembara di betawi, pas liburan semester saat meencanakan pendakian bersama gunung slamet, saya yang satu semester ndak ketemuan (belum jaman ponsel) kok tiba-tiba ditanya: "Kowe nonton fileme al pacino minggu bulan kemaren gak?? keren bgt!!!". Sebuah pertanyaan aneh yang janggal untuk ditanyakan kepada orang yang satu semester tak bersua. Namun, saya menjawab: "Iya!!" Postingan ini berisi permintaan maaf kepada sahabat saya itu yang dua tahun sudah tak bertemu mengikat tali silaturahim. Jarak, waktu dan kewajiban-kewajiban bener-bener mengikat kita. Saya memang janji pulang tahun ini namun saya tetep temen sampeyan yang melarat atau sok melarat (seperti yang dituduhkan temen saya itu) maka meski saya gawe di kantor pajak, saya gak punya uang lebih buat numpak pesawat terbang dan pulang ke jawa. Maaf aku ndak balik buat sekedar nengok anakmu, dab! nb: ibu saya melarang pulang lantaran beliau tahu saya lagi kesusahan secara finansial, beliau bakal marah kalo saya malah bisa pulang. "Kamu kan ndak punya duit, kalo bisa pulang kamu itu nyolong dari mana??" Matur nuwun, Ibu!! |
Ortunya situ bener-bener pengertian. Jadi terharu. Semangat, bang! Tutup mata dari kemilau duniawi