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babunegara ngeblog!: Gak lucu atau mencobanya. Gak mutu atau maksain untuk itu. Bukan terobosan hebat karena blog ini hanyalah bukti saya lebih sering nganggur dibanding pegawai lain.

bangpay: Seorang anak, suami, kakak, sahabat dan rekan kerja. Tinggal dan bekerja di Ternate sebagai priyayi KORPRI di sini. Pecinta oblong, celana setengah tiang dan topi yang hidup bagai kecoa.




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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
why does it always rain on me....
Hari ini saya dikirimi lagu ini oleh seorang teman.. dan begitu menyentuh saya karena saat ini saya benar-benar ngedrop. Dan entahlah... saya kok pingin seneng saja barang sedikit dan gak usah kuatir dengan kondisi saya barang sejenak... wong ya gak dosa lho... boleh ya?

I can't sleep tonight
Everybody saying everything's alright
Still I can't close my eyes
I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights
Sunny daysWhere have you gone?
I get the strangest feeling when you belong.
Why does it always rain on me?
Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?
Why does it always rain on me?
Even when the sun is shining
I can't avoid the lightning
I can't stand myself
I'm being held up by invisible men
Still life on a she
lf whenI got my mind on something else
Sunny daysWhere have you gone?
I get the strangest feeling you belong.
Why does it always rain on me?
Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?
Why does it always rain on me?
Even when the sun is shining
I can't avoid the lightning
Oh, where did the blue skies go?
And why is it raining so?
It's so coldI can't sleep tonight
Everybody saying everything's alright
Still I can't close my eyes
I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights
Sunny days
Where have you gone?
I get the strangest feeling when you belong.
Why does it always rain on me?
Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?
Why does it always rain on me?
Even when the sun is shining
I can't avoid the lightning
Oh, where did the blue skies go?
And why is it raining so?
It's so cold
Why does it always rain on me?
Why does it always rain...

Travis - Why does it always rain on me?

ditulis oleh bangpay @ 7:46 AM  

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